Money for Business Idea

Get up to $100,000 United States Dollars, anywhere in the world.

Do you have any of the following 3 ideas?

A good business

Get up to $100,000 United States Dollars,

Opening more locations

Get up to $100,000 United States Dollars, for each new brick-and-mortar location.

Retail stores for ecommerce

Get up to $100,000 United States Dollars, for each new brick-and-mortar retail store.

No upfront fees | THIS IS NOT A LOAN | No business plan needed | Repayment from business income only | No personal guarantee required | No credit check
You do not have to give up any ownership in your business.

How it works

Step 1

The money obtained for your business will be used to get the things that it needs. You will give prior approval for every purchase and/or transaction to ensure that you are not being overcharged and we are not overpaying.

Step 2

You will pay us back INCLUDING an agreed amount, from your business income only.

Step 3

After full repayment is received, you will own everything that we have paid for on your behalf and no more payments would be required.


Buying public or private shares/stocks, investments, buying any type of currency (i.e. crypto, etc.), buying real estate and franchises.

No, there are no upfront or hidden fees to use the service.

Repayment is based ONLY on an agreed percentage (%) of monthly business income.  Payments are due monthly until the full amount is repaid.

Yes, once you have repaid the full amount.

No credit check is required.  Personal and/or business credit rating is not a factor.  We focus on the potential of the business idea.

No, this is not a loan, so there is no debt added to your business.

No, you do not have to give up any ownership in your business.

No personal guarantee is required.  

No business plan is needed.

Complete the form below, to get started.

    The submission of the form only indicates your intention to participate in the program. Your participation is NOT finalized until approved by a member of our team.

    If you are using a free email service (like gmail, hotmail, etc.) please check your spam and junk mail folders, if it has been more than 2 business days since you have submitted the form. If you do not see an email from, please inform us by using our contact form and we will try to call you if necessary.

    Your information MUST be submitted in English only.

    Idea/Business Information

    What do you need our service for? (You MUST choose 1 in order to proceed.)

    Which industry is your idea/business in?*

    Which country will you be operating from?*

    Website Information* (You MUST select an option below to proceed.)

    Enter your website URL here. (Example:

    Contact Information

    Do not put anything between the phone numbers.

    Is this also a WhatsApp number? (A MUST if not in the USA or Canada.)

    Referred by (If available)

    Please enter the person's phone number or email address below.


